A little over a year ago, I wrote about Joy's new sturdy big-girl tricycle that she got for a birthday present. She wasn't immediately impressed with it, but once she got to school, they were using the same kind of trike and she learned to trike up and down the halls like crazy! We're continuing to practice at home:
Our street is quiet enough that she can ride on the street as well as the driveway, though it's good to have another person nearby.
Rose doesn't want to be left out of the fun either, though her recent new inches have made it more challenging to fit herself onto Joy's trike:
Speaking of sizing, I pulled out Rose's old training-wheels bike just to give it a try. Joy's too big for it! We tried just a little bit, and she at least stayed upright, but she kept wanting to stretch her feet forward to the front wheel where the pedals SHOULD be, and also wanting to press the pedals backwards (which on the bike activates the braking function, but on the trike puts you into reverse.) I'll see if I can adjust the seat and handlebars for our next try, but I'm thinking we're going to need a larger training-wheels bike to make this work.
Meanwhile, we're having a long, summer-y weekend here. Real-live fireworks aren't on the agenda, since they're so very late in the evening and so very noisy besides. But Rose has come up with a substitute:
and a message for anyone who comes by:
LOVE THIS! Wow, Rose is certainly getting quite leggy, too! I know I've been AWOL lately (crazy times around here), but you've all been in my thoughts and heart. Happy Fourth to you all!
Niksmom -- SO good to hear from you -- and a happy Fourth to you as well! Yes, they're both growing like weeds. JoyDad isn't sure he likes seeing Rose growing all leggy and pre-teen, but it's not as if we have a lot of choice in the matter, LOL!
I think Rose's creative solution to fireworks for the 4th of July is perfect!! Joy is doing great on her trike, an awesome skill, and I can totally understand the confusion when transferred to a training wheels bike - nothing is where it should be and it doesn't work right when compared to what she knows. Just like she learned the trike she will learn a two wheeler! Nice to see the girls having summer fun!!
happy 4th to you and your beautiful girls!
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