Sunday, May 9, 2010

More Things To Say

It is hard to believe that it's been three weeks since my Some Things to Say post.

It is hard to believe that it's ONLY been three weeks since my Some Things to Say post.

In a nutshell: it wasn't all just-for-that-day.

Joy's speech and all-around developmental burst has continued at an awesome pace. There is literally something new every single day. To put this into perspective, we've had stretches where if there were even one of these new things in two weeks' time, we'd have been over the moon with delight.

Joy is now vocalizing regularly with her signs (more, open, all-done).

She is chiming in at the end of each line of familiar songs if we pause and leave off the last word, including a long-awaited return of the bed-time lullaby chime-ins.

She is waving and speaking both for greeting ("hi!") and farewell ("buh-bye!")

She is imitating familiar words, particularly when prompted.

"Joy, can you say 'coffee'?" (We have a tradition in the grocery that she gets to smell the open bag of bulk coffee beans.)

"Joy, tell me 'gold-fish'!" (Goldfish crackers at snack).

"Want some music?" (Baby Einstein soundtrack on CD).

Besides the songs she chimed in on, here are -- surely just some -- of the words she attempted yesterday, either in imitation (often prompted) or initiation.

Coffee, goldfish, music, candy, kiss, pear, chip, go, open, bye-bye, ball, more, drink, juice, lion, cracker.

Happy, happy Mother's Day!


tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

For a post about speech the irony is not lost on me that I have no words to describe to you how incredibly happy I am for you all.


rainbowmummy xx

AuntieS said...

I am so happy and excited for Joy and for all of you! I sent you a private email with many comments, but I just had to add a little word or two here about how wonderful it is that Joy is using words this way. We all love Joy whether or not she ever speaks, but it sure does make me feel "Joy-ful" to know this!! Can't wait to hear her words for myself.

jess said...

happy mother's day, indeed!!! what joyous news! (didn't mean the pun til i wrote it, now i like it :))

Stat Mama said...

How wonderful!!!

Niksmom said...

Words which bear repeating...Go, Joy!! Belated Happy Mother's Day, too.

Helena said...

Oh, that is SO wonderful! And the best Mother's Day present you could ever get, isn't it?

Tanya @ TeenAutism said...

Wow! How wonderful to read about! I am thrilled for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and Joy!

What a wonderful Mother's Day gift.

"She is chiming in at the end of each line of familiar songs if we pause and leave off the last word..." This always got (gets) me. The hanging seems unbearable to me, but our girl often appears completely unfazed when we trail off leaving the last few words of a sentence or a song incomplete. Doesn't bug her. Makes me nutty!!! Good for Joy!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you and Joy!

What a wonderful Mother's Day gift.

"She is chiming in at the end of each line of familiar songs if we pause and leave off the last word..." This always got (gets) me. The hanging seems unbearable to me, but our girl often appears completely unfazed when we trail off leaving the last few words of a sentence or a song incomplete. Doesn't bug her. Makes me nutty!!! Good for Joy!

K. A . LaBarre - Owner/Director said...

It's so wonderful to catch up with Joy and the whole family. I've shared the news with everyone in our house and we're all very happy for you!