How nice -- there's a meme out there to match my random mood.
Don't try too hard to see patterns in any of this.
- Joy was still up in her crib when I got home from handbells after 9pm.
- Joy is awake in her crib now. Come to think of it, she didn't sleep enough last Tuesday either.
- My house needs a spring cleaning. Possibly due to lack of winter cleaning. How thick does dust eventually get, if you leave it to its own devices?
- We bought a new car over the weekend. Actually we put a little deposit down on a Honda Fit that won't arrive at the dealer till sometime next month (it's worth a bit of a wait to get a RED car with a manual trans!)
- Joy has discovered that the shoulder belt for the booster seat makes a nice pull-toy. Anyone have a favorite 5-point-harness carseat recommendation for kids past 40 pounds?
- Rose has been trying valiantly to lose tooth number five ("Is it bleeding NOW, mama?") I wonder what tooth-losing will be like for Joy?
- I had planned to run early this morning. But I'm too achy. Joy & I will go for a nice long morning walk with the stroller instead after we drop Rose off at school. Last time we did this (Friday) we saw a wild turkey at the park!
- Joy signed "more cracker" at daycare yesterday. Very cool, but feels very Elvis-sighting-ish to me. The singular use of the word "book" (as mentioned the other day) has not re-appeared.
- How did April get so close to over already?
- I'm going to go take a shower now. 'Cause April showers bring May flowers.
Graco Nautilus 3-in-one has 5pt harness up to 65 pounds. After that, gets pricey...Britax has one up to, I think 80 pounds. But they're about $300. Some might be covered by insurance if necessary.
I only know this b/c we're going through the same thing here.
I so hear you on the cleaning...
I've always heard that the dust will roll itself up and hide under the furniture at some point...I'm testing that theory now.
I was just thinking that myself. What happened to April?
YAY for new teeth on the way. I like our evenflow car/booster seat with 5point harness, but it's almost 7yrs old now so I'm sure there are new ones out there?
Eventually the dust will become strata and future geologists will love you.
I can't wait for May flowers!
And May flowers bring pilgrims.
Niksmom - your comment reminded me that way back when I'd bookmarked the Nautilus on Amazon, but it was out of stock for a long time. Just went back and checked my bookmark, was in stock, so there'll be one on the way soon. Super-Saver-Shipping, even. Thank you!!!
Me - oh, you gone done it now. You made me look under my bed, just to check. Aiiieeeeeee!
Keely - Hmm. Strata. Very plausible!
GreenJello - I was WAITING for someone to say that! :-)
I have been spending lots of time wondering what tooth-losing will be like for Rhema, too! My friend Carrie just wrote about her daughter with PDD losing her first tooth here.
Funny, I've always envisioned your house dust-less! In fact, I always think of you when I'm trying to quickly clean the house before Rhema's therapist arrives (because of your "Favorite Place" post!
I have alot of cleaning to do. I'm looking for a new car seat too. Loved your post -- TFS
We have the Graco Nautilus. With Kayla also having Down syndrome in addition to the autism, we don't forsee her outgrowing it anytime soon!
The tooth thing has been bugging me, too! I think I may just have the dentist pull them when they start getting loose since Kayla's not going to tell me when it comes out, LOL.
Cleaning Schleaning! Enjoy your stroller walk outside!
have a great Tuesday!
Stopping by from Keely's RTT's. We have the Graco Nautilus for my almost 2yo & I'm VERY happy with it :)
My house desperately needs a spring cleaning, too...and I imagine had I done any winter cleaning, it wouldn't be as big of a challenge... ;)
RED with a manual trans is definitely worth the wait! ;)
Princess Nagger is still waiting (im)patiently for her first tooth to fall out...I'm not looking forward to the bloody part. ;)
Great Randomness! :)
SOmebody call a doc! She's delirious! She said she was going to RUN this morning. She's officially lost it....
My house needs spring cleaning due to a lack of winter cleaning, too. Some cleaning service should offer a special deal for non-house-cleaners like us...
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