Bristle-blocks work best (they stay together better) and it helps to stack on an alligator-toy that makes noises when pressure is applied. Joy does not crack a smile as she stacks these things. She's doing it under a certain amount of protest.
But she's DOING it. With very little help.
P.S. Night-time sleep has been pretty good lately too. (Did I just jinx it?)
Yay, Joy! It took Nik a long time to stack using those same blocks. Then he absolutely took off with all kinds of blocks and stacking things. Just you wait, Mama, just you wait!
Rhema now loves bristle blocks, too. But she does not have the cool alligator toy.
Good for you JOY !! I want some pf those.. Where can I find them ?
Those are really awesome blocks! Sigh. I need to clear out some of Laurie's old toys and am agonizing what to keep and what to donate. I keep thinking I should donate all of Laurie's bristle blocks, duplo blocks, mega blocks, and pop-ons because Kayla is so NOT interested. But maybe I should hang onto them just a bit longer.....
I know that look... though I sometimes wonder if it's concentration/looking peripherally rather than dislike of the activity. I'll hope for the concentration :-)
JUST US - had to do some creative searching to find this! It's apparently out of production, but there are used ones out there. (Hey AuntieS, Joy's got a birthday coming up...) It's by Fisher Price, and is called the Stack & Smile Crocodile. Doesn't come with as many "peek-a-blocks" as shown; I think the therapist probably combined several sets.
AuntieS will certainly keep this in mind for the upcoming birthday!!! Hopefully, no one else here is thinking of buying any sets cuz I'll probably buy out all of the available ones on amazon!! LOL!! Who says AuntieS has a tendency to spoil her nieces????
FYI JoyMama, When Joy was doing this toy with her therapist here on Friday, she was SMILING! Very cool to see.
Beautiful block-work.
So, did you jinx the night sleep?
Mama Mara - sleep continues OK, actually. I'll have to go find something else to jinx.
Lynda - woo hoo for the smiles! I hope I'll get to see that soon too!
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