Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Photo Wednesday: Buzzcut Drawback

Here's the one big reason that Joy's buzzcut is probably not a long-term "look" for her:

Nevus Removal Scar, 3 years out
It's the scar from her nevus-removal. When her hair is longer, the scar hides nicely. With the buzz, it's as exposed as can be.

Rather a bummer, really. The short cut is so cute on her, otherwise! And SO easy to care for.

So as not to end the post on a down note, here's a reason to be cheerful: the tulips in our front flowerbed.



mama edge said...

Thanks for the linkback to your earlier post. What a journey you've been on! I think the cut is adorable, scar or no scar. And the tulips -- wow! As usual, mine refused to flower, and I buzzcut them with the lawnmower this week.

AuntieS/ARatK said...

Besides the obvious appearance on her scalp, I'm wondering if that skin will sunburn or darken more easily in the summer sun? Do you think you will need to apply extra sunscreen to that area of her head? If so, I have a suggestion for something to use-it's a roll on stick that includes Zinc Oxide. We have used it on KJ's forehead to protect the scar area where he had his mole removed. I bought a case of it and have a bunch of tubes left over!! I want my little niece-y to be comfy and protected!! LOL! Even if you let her hair grow back in longer again, it may be awhile before that area of her scalp is totally covered by hair.
-AuntieS (always a worrier!!!)

JoyMama said...

Mama Mara - want some tulip bulbs next time I divide them? (Might not be till fall 2010.) That whole row of the orange ones started from a dozen bulbs that the groundskeepers were handing out in 1999 when they re-did the beds across from my workplace.

AuntieS - since Joy refuses to wear a hat these days, we've been slathering not just the scar but the whole top of her head with sunscreen. The buzz is still quite thin where all the hair came out! Does the zinc oxide roll-on stay white, or blend in - and does it have an expiration date? Most sunscreens they now recommend buying new each year...

Anonymous said...

i think both photos are beautiful. the scar is just a badge of where she's been and a reminder of what she can get through. love.

BRatK/Barbara said...

I'm with the crowd here in thinking the scar is not much of drawback AND sharing ARatK's concern for the sun.

I'm thinking I've seen many people who PAY to have specially-shaved designs into their haircuts. No?

Sending you comforting thoughts while it grows out.

Mimzy said...

Those are tulips? They're simply GORGEOUS! (I do tend to favor orange)

Anonymous said...

Kiss her sweet head for me. She's beautiful.

Elizabeth Channel said...

Lovely flowers and lovely girl...

AuntieS said...

The expiration date stamped on the bottom of each tube is 03/11, so you should be good for awhile. It goes on as a very light white, but seems to blend in and be clear after awhile. We had also used creams and lotions, but this actually seemed the easiest to use and stayed on his skin the best as he would sweat and run around outside. I will email you more info about the product so as not to bore the rest of the blog readers!! LOL!
And I do agree with the others here that my dear little Joy is adorable no matter what hairstyle (or lack of hair style) she is sporting!

pixiemama said...

Reilly's scar starts quite near where Joy's ends. They might be close to a perfect match.


Lynda said...

I'm liking the buzz cut more than I thought I would. Goes with her spunky personality. So Demi-ish.
But wow is it growing back quickly!
Haven't seen her hands go near her head since you cut the hair. So it seems to have done what it was supposed to do!

Anonymous said...

I think the scar looks almost like a part.. I don't think it looks bad at all.. I'd go with it!

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

COOL, BEYOND COLL HAIR DO!! All my Barbies looked like this ;) also scars, I have a thing for scars I love them and I think it makes Joy look reeeeeeeeeeeeally cool. PS re:suncream, I just rub eggs head with the stuff!!

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

cool, not coll lol

JoyMama said...

Thanks all - makes me do a little bit of extra thinking about why does it bother me to have the scar exposed, and it really doesn't have much to do with sunscreen! I think it's that it makes people ASK, and also make assumptions that the surgery that caused the scar was a much bigger deal than it was - and yet, the scar is connected to Joy's other differences, tangentially... More explanations than I feel like making, I suppose, and an un-necessary marker of difference. On the other hand, it doesn't bother Joy! Wonder if it ever will?

Pixie, I love the thought of the Reilly/Joy perfect match. They must meet some day! :-)